
First quarter is over and and New Year’s Resolutions have often relaxed and motivation is slowing down. Some of the most common resolutions made are around health habits. If this was your New Year’s resolution or you are wanting to make a new Q2 resolution, here are some tips to make it a bit easier.

Keep a log book- I know a log book is nothing new to a trucker but it’s helpful to track and see progress. This is both encouraging and motivating. Whether you choose the ol’ #2 and paper or one of the many free apps that are available, simply logging what you eat and time spent active is important. If using an app for this, don’t get too hung up on picking the exact right food item, but simply log a middle of the road option. It won’t matter too much if you pick a burger from Wendy’s or McDonald’s just log what you eat. In time this will make you aware of your choices and you’ll start making better ones.

Eat smaller meals more often- This is nothing new but it is true. If you wait until you’re starving you’ll most likely over eat. Having smaller smarter choices every three hours will help you feel more satisfied and not binge at the meal stop.

Eat slower- I know you work in a fast paced job but trying to eat a bit slower will help. It takes the brain 20-30 minutes to register that it’s full. Some say that the average meal takes about 11 minutes to eat. By slowing down or taking pauses, you can let your brain catch up with your stomach.

Take a brisk walk before you eat– If possible take a brisk walk before you eat a larger meal. By doing so you fire up your metabolism which will help burn more calories in digesting the meal.

Keep easy snacks within reach- Some of the easiest snacks are the healthiest snacks. A bag of baby carrots, an apple, a peeled orange, or a few cubes of cheese are all better choices than carb rich chips, crackers or sweets. To make it easy, prepare a few baggies and have in a cooler next to you. Taking 5 minutes to put snacks in little baggies will prove to be a big help throughout the day. We tend to do what is fast and convenient. Make healthy just as fast and convenient.

Drink your water- Try to avoid sodas. Choose water instead. Because of high sugar and sodium in soda it actual dehydrates your body. There are many flavored choices with 0 calories available if you need something to spruce it up. Most don’t realize that water consumption is essential to protection of the spinal cord and lubrication of joints.

Get rest– Rest is not only good for energy and safety on the road. Sleep and metabolism are controlled by the same sectors of the brain. When you are sleepy, certain hormones increase in your blood and those same hormones drive the feeling of hunger. Grab a sleep mask and some natural melatonin, turn off the TV and get your ZZZ’s.

While this list is fairly simple. I am not suggesting you tackle all of them at once. Pick 2 or 3. Make them a habit before adopting new routines. Some people form habits in as little as 18 days but the average is about 6 months. Give yourself some time and know that bad habits didn’t start overnight and neither will good habits.