
Truckers log a lot of hours a year – an estimated 125,000 in fact. That breaks down to around 500 miles per day or 2,500 miles per week. Not only is that a lot of time spent traveling, it’s a lot of time spent sitting and paying attention to the road. How can other drivers make the jobs of truck drivers easier? Fortunately, there are a number of ways drivers can help ease the burdens of truck drivers while making the road safer for everyone.

Stay Out of Blind Spots

Semi-trucks and tractor trailers are large, so they have more blind spots than the average car. A major way you can help truck drivers is by avoiding their blind spots, which are typically located right behind the truck, on the sides, and directly in front. An easy way to achieve this if you’re driving behind the truck is to make sure you can see at least one of the driver’s mirrors. Also, when merging in front of a semi-truck, leave plenty of room between your vehicle and the truck. Being aware of a truck’s blind spots can help prevent accidents.

Always Pass on the Left

Given the large blind spot located on the right side of a semi-truck, it’s always best to pass on the left. In fact, when you pass on the right, chances are the truck driver won’t even be able to see you.

Be Patient

Semi-trucks need more time to get up to speed when entering a highway from an entrance ramp or passing another truck than a personal vehicle. Instead of getting frustrated and trying to whip past a trucker, remain patient to avoid any accidents.

Stop Tailgating

No one likes a tailgater, especially truck drivers. A good rule of thumb is to always drive four seconds behind a semi-truck or tractor trailer to avoid potentially dangerous scenarios.

Don’t Cut Truckers Off

Instead of cutting truck drivers off by abruptly merging in front of them, it’s wise to leave plenty of space between your vehicle and the large truck. Consider that semi-trucks need more than 300 feet to stop when driving at 55 mph while cars only need 140 feet to stop. The larger buffer space you give a truck, the better.

Pay Attention to Your Surroundings

There are so many distractions for drivers, including mobile phones. When driving around semi-trucks, it’s especially important to pay attention at all times and not drive distracted.

These are only a few ways you can help truck drivers on the road. Do you already follow these recommendations?