
Fall is winding down and winter is now right around the corner, and with winter comes snow and ice. Snow is an unavoidable fact of life for a lot of Americans, and we can’t just shut everything down every time it snows. When bad weather hits, the very best piece of advice is to just use your best judgement. Here are some tips to keep your safety record clean and keep you up and running:


Watch Tire Spray

One tip not a lot of people know is to watch tire spray from other vehicles on the road. If cars around you are giving off a lot of tire spray, that means that the roads are wet. If cars aren’t throwing off much tire spray but the roads look wet, then the roads are starting to freeze. If there is no tire spray coming off and the roads look wet, then that means you are on black ice.


Don’t Stop

The worst thing you can do in low to zero visibility is to stop where you are, you will get hit. If visibility is too bad, drive slowly until you can safely get off the road, never stop in the road.


Wait it out

If things get too bad, wait out the storm somewhere. Your best bet is to find a gas station or 24-hour restaurant. Rest areas are typically the last areas to be cleared of snow, so you stand a better chance of not getting snowed in by going to a gas station or restaurant.


Winter weather can be difficult to navigate and can be hazardous, but if you take your time and pay attention, you can get through this winter with your clean safety record intact. If you are an experienced driver with a clean driving record, we want you! Contact us today to speak to a recruiter!