
Know your best road trip snacksIf you work in the trucking industry, one thing is always certain: you will be spending a lot of time on the road. Being on the road can mean stiff legs, tired eyes — and of course, empty stomachs. But it can be difficult to eat well when you are driving long stretches. Finding snacks that are portable, filling, and at least somewhat healthy is a challenge. So, what are the best snacks that you can find when you are on the road?

Salty Snacks

Popcorn is a go-to salty snack. Pre-popped popcorn is a gas station and rest stop staple, and for good reason. It is relatively cheap and involves no prep work. Nothing seems to hit the spot like popcorn when you crave salt and butter. Best of all, popcorn counts toward your daily whole grain intake, making it a healthy snack choice. You can also find individual packs of popped corn that is bit more healthy from brands like Skinny Pop or Boom Chicka Pop.

Sweet Snacks

Dried fruit is one of those snacks some people are afraid to try. People are often surprised by just how flavorful a dehydrated apple or pear can be. Not only is dried fruit a healthy snack, but it can also be quite filling. And with the wide variety of dried fruits available, anyone can find one they enjoy. Just be careful if you have sensitive teeth, as dried fruit has a tendency to stick to enamel.

Protein-filled Snacks

Beef sticks are often seen as junk food, but this is not always the case. While some jerky and dehydrated meats can be filled with excess sugar or other unhealthy ingredients, many brands have cut down on these additives. Another common worry is that beef products are too salty to be healthy. However, the salt content is generally not a serious worry for anyone who does not already have a medical condition requiring them to watch salt intake.

Filling Snacks

Mixed nuts are another great source of protein and healthy fat that come in a number of varieties. They are one of the most filling snacks available too. These qualities make mixed nuts a great meal replacement or snack to hold you over until your next meal. When you know you might not have another stop for a while, mixed nuts are a solid choice to get you through.

Energy Boosting Snacks

Bananas are a good source of potassium, protein, and dietary fiber. They are also packed with vitamins and minerals. This makes them a great food for those moments on long trips when you need a second wind. Bananas are a great source of potassium that helps fight leg cramps as well. Bananas are easy to eat while driving and are incredibly cheap. If you prefer, you can even find smoothies at many truck stops or gas stations.

Boredom Snacks

Sunflower seeds are another salty snack that just hits the spot. Boredom is a common problem on long road trips, especially for truck drivers and others who are regularly driving significant distances. Keeping yourself occupied is key to staying awake and alert behind the wheel. Sunflower seeds are a tried-and-true choice for staving off that dreamy boredom.

Healthy Snacks

Granola is a fantastic option if you want a decent mix of different types of foods. Granolas are generally pretty healthy, with whole grains, good fats, salt, fiber, and some sugar for flavor. Granola is easy to eat while driving and its flavor is versatile, meaning you can easily pair it with other snacks. There are innumerable varieties of granola, so be sure to check nutrition labels. However, there is a flavor of granola for practically everyone.