
There are a variety of reasons why Fremont Contract Carriers uses online applications for our potential drivers. For starters, it’s difficult for drivers to submit a physical resume while in a different time zone. No one likes waiting for the mailman. Plus, it’s simply easier to fill out an application online.

Of course, even though it’s easier to submit an application online, applying for a job can still be intimidating. Just remember there is no timer running, and no failing grade when you’re done. If you stick to it, applying online is a relatively simple process. Here are some tips for applying online at FCC.

Choose your path.

Applicants can choose between two options when applying to drive with us: “Fill out the application now” or “Have a recruiter contact me”. We understand that drivers are a diverse group of people and not all of us are the most tech savvy. If you meet our driver requirements but are intimidated or confused by the online application process, simply fill out the basics on the front page and a recruiter will reach out to you shortly!

Check the requirements

Transportation is a competitive, heavily relied upon, regulated industry that can be dangerous at times. FCC has many requirements drivers must meet before they hit the road with us. Applicants should go through all the requirements beforehand and check them off to ensure they do not spend time applying for the job only to fall short of the qualifying criteria.

Experience is important in the transportation industry. Don’t sweat if you fall short of our experience requirements. We’d still love to talk to you. Even though our requirements are strict, we want to hire experienced drivers. Reach out to us and let recruiters know you are interested in driving for FCC. We will keep this in mind while you gain experience driving and will look forward to meeting with you once you reach the experience requirements.

Check the instructions

With all the regulations in the transportation industry, checking off and following instructions closely is vital to the daily tasks involved in truck driving. Recruiters are reluctant to reach out to an applicant if they haphazardly fill in the required fields, so take your time and follow the instructions closely. Plus, you will be doing the same thing out on the road anyway. It’s a simple test that can go a long way in proving yourself.

Double-check everything

Similar to the previous paragraph, errors are problematic for all parties involved in a highly-regulated industry like trucking. Errors on an application can be a red flag for recruiters and might derail an applicant’s chances of being hired. With as much time as you will spend filling out the application, you might as well proof it two or three times to ensure everything is correct.

This point is especially important to driving history, as an error in one’s driving history may be seen as a falsehood in the eyes of recruiters, which leads us to the next point.

Accurately list your driving history.

Recruiters can look up an applicant’s driving history. Lying about driving history is a huge red flag for recruiters and is a reflection on the applicant. No matter the infractions, it’s always best for drivers to remain honest throughout the application. Recruiters will find out when they lie, but an applicant can at least explain the situation if they are honest in the application. Honesty is always the best policy.

Detail employment history

Not only do we require applicants to list their driving record, we want their employment history as well, including non-trucking jobs in recent years. This gives recruiters a more detailed background of the applicant and assists them in assessing an applicant’s potential if they’ve driven for less than 10 years. Non-transportation backgrounds can work as a benefit to drivers too. For example, if a driver formerly worked maintenance on trucks, they should hold a solid understanding of the vehicle.

Driving with Fremont Contract Carriers holds benefits. Drivers are the heart and soul of this company. If you are curious about employment, go to our “Work With Us” page for more information or to contact a recruiter.