
Christmas gifts wrapped in brown paper with red ribbons.

As a truck driver, you will often be spending days to weeks away from your family and home. If you are married or have a serious partner, this can be difficult for your relationship. Here are some gifts you can give to your partner to remind them of you while you are on the road.


Touch Bracelet Set

This bracelet set can help you feel close. Each partner will download the app on their phone and set up these bracelets to connect with each other. When one person touches the bracelet, the other will light up and vibrate, so they will know you are thinking of them.



There are many different styles of keychains for couples who spend a lot of time apart. These keychains can help be a reminder of your love for each other even when apart. These keychains can include your partner’s name, an anniversary, or a special saying that you use. 


Weighted Blanket 

A weighted blanket has many benefits, such as helping with sleep and anxiety. Many people compare these blankets to a hug, and it brings them comfort while their partners are away.


Open When Letters

One of the downsides to being away from home is not always being able to be there for your partner. This set allows you to write letters for your partner to open when they are lonely, sad, and much more. You can write something sweet and personal to help them feel like they are closer to you even while you are on the road. 


Miss You Journal

This fill-in-the-blank journal gives you prompts to tell your partner why you miss them. Filling in the blanks allows this journal to become a personalized gift to remind your partner what you miss about them.



As a truck driver, it can be hard to spend time away from your partner. These are some great gifts that can help remind both you and your partner of you while you’re on the road. 

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