“These people will go out of their way to get you home. In this business, you just can’t beat that. That’s the biggest perk in trucking anymore: home time.”
“FCC is a fine tuned organization. They think of the drivers when planning the loads while also providing variety in the freight we haul. The pay package is great and they also give us the best equipment around. All this banded together makes it easy for me to make a good living as a driver at FCC.”
“The company as a whole is very inviting. You walk into smiles and warm greetings each and every time that you come into the terminal and that speaks volumes. The people of FCC make the company.”

“Safety is our number one goal. If it’s not safe, I’m not letting it out of the shop. We want safe trucks going down the road, so nobody gets hurt. Our biggest thing is safety and making sure the equipment is at 100% before it leaves.”
“I love doing what I do. We are always trying to get the newest technology and keep pushing ourselves further and farther in the industry.”

“What stands out to me at FCC is the way we all treat drivers here. We’re very unique in the sense that we are one of the leaders in the Transportation industry as far as turnover goes. We’re typically in that 20 percentile range, which is unheard of in transportation.”
“We are a smaller company, so every person counts at FCC. Every driver counts, every person in the shop counts, every person in the office counts… The number one thing that I always hear from drivers is: I wish I would have found FCC sooner.”
“I’m in safety, so we do everything to make sure the drivers are in compliance with the law. Any problems they have, they come to us. Our job is to make sure the drivers are taken care of.”