
Did you know there are some pretty famous truck drivers in history? I bet not! There are many well-known celebrities throughout history that, at one point, were truckers. Here’s a list of a few of the most famous truckers out there.

Sean Connery

The first 007 has always been a man of many talents. Before becoming an Academy Award-winning actor, Sean Connery was a truck driver in his home country of Scotland. Truck driving was in his blood, as his father was also a truck driver. 

Connery also served in the Navy, was a lifeguard, an artist model, a laborer, a stage assistant, and a coffin polisher.

Liam Nesson

This actor is best known for playing in Star Wars, The Commuter, and Schindler’s List. However, before becoming an actor Nesson also drove a truck and probably would have spent the rest of his life driving trucks if his driving school instructor didn’t encourage him to consider acting. 

Elvis Presley

Did you know that the King of Rock n’ Roll himself was a truck driver? Elvis drove trucks in high school for the Crown Electric Company. According to rumors, Elvis developed his iconic hairstyle from fellow drivers. While he was still driving, Elvis began to pursue his music career, and was actually turned down by the leader of a local band and was told he should stick to truck driving.

Jason Aldean

Country music artist Jason Aldean drove for Pepsi delivering their products to convenience stores across the state of Georgia. Since then, Aldean has done quite well for himself with eight successful albums. His time behind the wheel must have had some impact on him, as he wrote a song call Asphalt Cowboy which is about being on the road and away from home.

James Cameron

Before James Cameron became a famous director producing two of the highest-grossing movies of all time, he was a truck driver. In his younger years, Cameron became a truck driver so he could save up to buy film equipment and make short films. Cameron eventually worked his way up to becoming one of the most famous Hollywood directors of all time. He is best known for directing Terminator 2, Aliens, and Titanic. 


These are just a few of the famous truck drivers. They are all pretty awesome but have got nothing on the amazing men and women who continue their jobs as truck drivers and help keep America running. This is just a shortened list of famous truckers out there. Although they all are amazing people, they have nothing on the incredible men and women who continue their jobs as truck drivers and help keep America running.