
FCC-Best-FleetWe are honored to be a part of the top 20 Best Fleets to Drive For list for the 10th year since the program was founded 12 years ago. At Fremont Contract Carriers, we believe in taking care of our drivers, as they are not only the backbone of this organization but of our country as well. Although we do not do this for the recognition, we do appreciate the Best Fleets to Drive For organization and their work to recognize trucking companies who put their employees first.

Best Fleets to Drive For does not take this title lightly, and we appreciate that as well. In order to be one of the top 20 Fleets to Drive For in any given year, the company must first be nominated by an employee. Then, the company must complete a questionnaire containing over 100 questions that cover the topics of business information, compensation, benefits, HR strategy, operating strategy, performance & recognition, development & career, and finally, work/life balance. Then, the company does a 75-90 minute interview with someone from the Best Fleets to Drive For committee. Finally, the company must send out a survey to their drivers to complete, with a high percentage of drivers needing to complete the survey for the company to be eligible. Once this process is complete, the Best Fleets to Drive For committee rates the companies based on their scoring system, ultimately revealing the top 20.

With everything that the Best Fleets to Drive For committee put into this, it is truly an honor to be selected again this year in the top 20. However, just like anything else we do, we couldn’t have achieved this award without our excellent drivers and office staff. So, thank you to all of you who participated and all of you who make FCC one of the top 20 Best Fleets to Driver For year after year! We appreciate the culture you help us cultivate and the hard work you do!