Most people do not realize that 70% of all freight moved in the United States is done by trucks. This is everything from food to medicine and waste removal to manufacturing. If the trucking industry stops, the nation stops. What a lot of people don’t realize either, is that if the trucks stop, many critical industries will start to be affected within 24 hours.
Within 24 hours of the trucking industry shutting down due to natural disaster or terrorist attack, delivery of medical supplies will cease and hospitals will begin to run out of supplies. Gas stations will begin to run out of fuel leading to long lines at the pump. Mail and package deliver will cease, and this is all just within 24 hours of no trucking.
Nearly every sector of the economy relies on trucks to transport their goods. It starts with shipping raw material such as lumber and stone from forests and quarries and delivers them to manufacturing centers. Once these manufacturers turn out a finished product, they are then transported via truck to their final destination or a distribution center.
In the United States alone, nearly $700 Billion in shipped good travel by truck every year. This makes the trucking industry vital to health of the economy.
In the United States, there are over 800,000 truck drivers earning around $30 Billion a year. From small trucking companies, owner operators, and large trucking companies, all truckers contribute to the health and strength of the economy.
AT FCC, we realize that the most important part of the trucking industry is the driver. At FCC, our drivers are known by name, and not just a number. Apply now if you think driving to FCC may be right for you!