
One of the challenges of being a truck driver is getting enough sleep. Sleep is very important, especially for truck drivers. Getting a good night’s sleep on the road can be difficult, especially if you are also dealing with the stress of tight deadlines. Without the amount of sleep you need, it can be easy to develop health problems, and other issues may arise as well. 

Why Is Sleep Important?

Sleep is vital to good health and is as important as eating well and exercise. Your body is working hard to repair the wear and tear you faced throughout the day and getting you ready for the next day while you sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, you may experience an increased appetite, slower reactions, mood swings, and a weakened immune system. 

None of those symptoms are ideal for truck drivers!

Be Safe

Being a truck driver is very demanding. If you are experiencing a lack of sleep, it can make it more difficult for you to meet the demands of being a trucker. Driving drowsy on the job could be the difference between stopping on time and getting into an accident. 

Where You Sleep Matters

A good environment to sleep in will help increase the quality of your sleep. When you sleep may depend on your schedule. Here are some important factors to consider when choosing where you sleep:

  • First, park somewhere where you will be safe, but that also is quiet enough for you to sleep.
  • Block out all the light and noise. Close all your curtains or get an eye mask. Also, consider using earplugs or a white noise machine. Sleeping in the dark and in a quiet place will help you sleep better and longer.
  • Keep the temperature cool or at whatever temperature you sleep best at. This tends to be a personal preference.
  • Make sure you are comfortable. Upgrade to memory foam pillows or get a memory foam mattress topper. It is worth it!

How to Prepare for Bed

It is important to get around 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Try to be aware of your body’s natural feeling of being sleepy. Work hard to plan your stops around sleep breaks with your natural sleep cycle. Sleeping at the same time every day helps improve your sleep patterns, and it will help you fall asleep faster. 

Consider avoiding heavy meals within 2-3 hours of sleep, liquids to avoid sleep disturbances, caffeine (depending on your sensitivity), and exposure to blue light from your phone or tv. Try and follow a relaxing routine before bed that helps your body get into a rhythm and will help your brain know when it is time to fall asleep. 


The CDC provides more detail on sleep for truck drivers. Sleep is an important part of everyday life, but it is especially important for truck drivers to get a good night’s sleep while they are on the road. 

Here at FCC, we put our drivers first. We want to make sure you are the healthiest you can be and want you to put your health as your top priority. Consider driving for FCC today!