
Life on the Road

Signs of Driver Fatigue

Signs of Driver Fatigue

As a truck driver, you have some strict regulations on how many hours you can drive in a day. These regulations are put into place to prevent driver fatigue and preventable accidents.

Getting Past the Fear of Starting a New Career

Getting Past the Fear of Starting a New Career

Making the decision to start a new career can be intimidating, especially if that career is completely different from what you did before. Everyone that attends a form of CDL training may begin to wonder, “Is this the right choice for me? What if I fail? Will I be able to go back to my old job?” Any of this sound familiar? 

Best Apps For On and Off The Road

Best Apps For On and Off The Road

Do you want some help figuring out the best apps to use while you are on the road? There are so many apps that are geared towards truck drivers to choose from it can be hard to figure out where to start! Here are some of our favorite apps for truck drivers.

How to Effectively Use Cruise Control

How to Effectively Use Cruise Control

When you are driving down the interstate, you are probably taking advantage of cruise control, and if you aren’t, we definitely recommend it. Cruise control is an excellent tool if it is used effectively. As a professional truck driver, it is important to learn how to take full advantage of cruise control to use it well and safely. 

Top 6 Safety Tips for Truck Drivers

Top 6 Safety Tips for Truck Drivers

Safety is a huge concern in the trucking industry today. From road safety to personal safety, it is important for drivers to be prioritizing their safety and others at all times. Many accidents and injuries can be prevented when drivers follow a set of safety procedures. We want to provide some safety tips to help keep our roads and drivers safe.

Healthy Food From Fast Food Restaurants

Healthy Food From Fast Food Restaurants

Healthy and fast food aren’t two concepts you would normally hear together. When you are on the road, it is often difficult to eat healthy food – especially if you need something quick! We are going to take a look at different fast-food restaurant menus across the United States and find the healthiest options for you while you are on the road!